Mrs. Wheeler's Study Tools and Helps Page

Please feel free to watch the videos and click on the links to help you study for the lessons, quizzes, and tests.


History 6A

You will find additional information, videos, and study tools for the History 6A course.


History 6B

You will find additional information, videos, and study tools for the History 6B course.


Language Arts 6A

You will find additional information, videos, and study tools for the Language Arts 6A course.


Language Arts 6B

You will find additional information, videos, and study tools for the Language Arts 6B course.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can personalized tutoring help improve my grades?

Set up meetings so we can go over the infromation you do not understand or need additional help with.

What types of study guides do you offer?

The school provides guided study notes for eaach unit. You can fill them in as you progress through the unit. 

What if I get behind?

You can work through more than one lesson a day. Some students who get behind also have success using the block lesson method. Reach out to me if you have questions. You can also request a meeting with our school counselor to help you with study skills.

I want every student to feel confident in their ability to understand the content. I am here to help.